What is Psoriasis
Psoriasis affects around 500,000 Australians and often shows as flaking plaques caused by a very rapid rate of cell production.
Psoriasis affects around 500,000 Australians and often shows as flaking plaques caused by a very rapid rate of cell production.
About Psoriasis
It is an inflammatory condition whereby that the body overproduces skin cells at a very rapid rate (turning over within days instead of over a month), creating plaques and flaking on the skin surface. This is coupled with inflammation and redness in the areas involved.
It is relatively common, affecting approximately 2% of the population, and is not contagious
Due to the visual nature of the disease, if it is not treated early and well, it can lead to significant physical, social and emotional challenges.

It can sometimes also affect the joints and can be associated with other conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure.
While it cannot be cured and can flare in cycles throughout a person’s life, with the correct management programs we significantly improve the quality of life of our patients. This means that we help patients reduce and usually clear their psoriasis plaques with a course of treatments, provide clear home care guidelines to reduce the frequency of flares, and provide a clear access pathway to restart treatments as required when flares occur. This provides our patients with an excellent support pathway for the ongoing management of their psoriasis.
Psoriasis flares can be triggered by a range of factors such as trauma (eg sunburn), stress, certain foods, alcohol, weather (with cold, dry weather exacerbating dry skin); therefore identifying and addressing these factors is an important part of psoriasis management.
Book Your Initial Review
Book an initial consultation to find out which treatment plan is best for you.